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Unwrapping ROSES with Dr. Josh Pepper

Dr. Joshua Pepper is a self-described advocate for citizen science, small telescope observing, and open data practices, and a Program Scientist and Program Officer with NASA’s Astrophysics Division.

Dr. Pepper will join us to shed more light on NASA’s Research Opportunities for Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES), the omnibus announcement of annual funding opportunities from NASA. Dr. Pepper will explain the landscape of different proposal calls in ROSES, how solicitations are written, how proposals are reviewed, and how funding is handled. He may even touch on good practices in writing proposals. 

The formal 60-minute program will be recorded. A 30-minute casual discussion following will not be.

Bring all your questions about ROSES!

Register here to get your link to this March 13 event on NASA funding.

March 6

NASA’s Open Science Data Management Plans, Requirements, and Supports

March 27

Free Web Analytics Tools for Project Teams