NASA Citizen Science Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct 

The NASA Science Mission Directorate and its hosting partners the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) and the Citizen Science Association (CSA) are committed to creating a welcoming, safe, and supportive (virtual and in-person) environment for all participants and attendees. We hold that the wide range of views, expertise, opinions, backgrounds, and experiences held by attendees will make our community stronger, wiser, and more productive.

By registering for the events in this series or joining the NASACitSci Slack workspace, you indicate your intention to comply with the following Code of Conduct.

Essential Points Relevant to Online Interactions

  • Interact with others in ways that will make your future self proud.

  • Be respectful in your discussion and critique of ideas in Zoom, chat, Slack, and other spaces associated with these events; talk about your own experience. 

  • Alert Sarah Kirn or Marc Kuchner (by email or in-event chat) or any member of the Planning Team if you experience or observe any unacceptable communication or behaviors.

Welcomed Behavior

  • Communicate openly and respectfully with others.

  • Be considerate of the multitude of views, opinions, and knowledge that are different from your own.

  • Use accessible language. Avoid technical jargon and acronyms when you can, explain them when you cannot.

  • Model inclusionary expertise. If others in the group appear to be lost, slow down and ask for input.

  • Balance the time you spend sharing and listening.

  • Ask permission to take pictures of and/or post about others on social media. This applies to online screenshots as well. 

Unacceptable Behavior

  • Participation in or promotion of harassment, intimidation, or discriminatory behaviors on in-person or virtual platforms, including social media or video conferencing, during meetings/events or other associated activities organized around this series.

  • Making comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, or breastfeeding; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or presentations; sexual advances or touching; threatening, bullying, harassment (sexual or otherwise), discrimination or stalking of any attendee, speaker, or organizer.

  • Disruption of talks at the meeting/event or other associated activities.

  • Criminal offenses.


  • Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

  • GMRI, as the lead hosting organization, or venue security may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting spaces, including virtual spaces, without warning or refund.

  • NASA and GMRI will report criminal offenses to appropriate authorities and reserve the right to report a possible criminal offense where appropriate.

  • NASA and GMRI reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting.

Process for Reporting Unacceptable Behavior

If you are the object of unacceptable behavior or have witnessed any such behavior, please:

  • Remove yourself from the situation and find a safe space. 

  • Email or use the event chat function to contact a member of the Planning Team, Sarah Kirn, or Marc Kuchner to report the incident. Provide your name, contact information, and a brief description of what happened. 

All concerns relating to unacceptable behavior will be treated confidentially and addressed promptly. Complainants will remain in control of the process. The Planning Committee will outline options to resolve the situation to the complainant, make a collaborative decision, then act accordingly.

Depending on the nature of the issue, additional information, security, or local police involvement will be requested.


In creating this Code of Conduct, we drew heavily from those of other organizations, most especially that of the Society for Conservation Biology