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Enhancing participation through partnership

3:08 Dr. Marc Kuchner and James Harrington on NASA funding opportunities

13:41 Vivienne Byrd, Librarian III at the Los Angeles Public Library

30:27 Dr. Laura Trouille, co-lead of Zooniverse

39:59 Miguel Ordeñana and Lila Higgins, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Connecting with audiences underrepresented in your citizen science project is often best accomplished in partnership with an organization or leaders who are part of or deeply familiar with that new audience. We will talk about how to identify and approach potential partners, and hear stories from citizen science colleagues about their work to reach new participants through organizational partnerships. We will also learn how to apply guidelines for building equitable partnerships with organizations outside of academia and the sciences. 

Program starts at 3:30 pm Eastern/ 2:30 pm Central/ 1:30 pm Mountain/ 12:30 pm Pacific/ 11:30 am Alaskan time zone.


Dr. Laura Trouille, Vice President of Science Engagement at the Adler Planetarium; Zooniverse Co-Principal Investigator. Laura has led the Adler’s Citizen Science efforts since 2015, when she completed dual postdoctoral positions as an observational astronomer (examining supermassive black holes) and a science-education researcher (on the impact of lesson plans incorporating computational thinking into K-12 STEM education) at Northwestern University and at the Adler, respectively.

Lila Higgins and Miguel Ordeñana, co-leads of Community Science at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

Vivienne Byrd, the Librarian III of the Exploration & Creativity Department for the Los Angeles Public Library. Vivienne leads and manages the systemwide Full STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Ahead and Neighborhood/Citizen Science Initiatives. Vivienne works closely with various government agencies and community groups to develop, organize, promote, and train librarians to offer STEM/STEAM workshops and citizen science programs and events throughout the City of Los Angeles. Vivienne currently serves as a member-at-large on the American Library Association's Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT) and a co-opt member on the steering committee of the International Federation of Library Associations Environmental, Sustainability and Libraries Section. She co-chairs the Citizen Science Month Working Group of the Citizen Science Association and is the former lead producer of the LAPL's annual Downtown Los Angeles Mini Maker Faire from 2016 to 2019.

Co-Sponsored by the Citizen Science Association.

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Anti-Racist Strategies to Broaden Citizen Science Participation

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Communicating for Inclusion