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CitSci2020: Welcome to NASA's Summer of Citizen Science Web Series

Welcome message from Dr. James Green, NASA's Chief Scientist

Welcome message from Kristen Erickson, Director, Science Engagement and Partnerships - NASA Science Mission Directorate

Keynote, Dr. Raj Pandya: Discovery, Learning, Equity and Action: Unleashing the Power of Citizen Science

Raj Pandya directs AGU’s Thriving Earth Exchange. Thriving Earth Exchange connects scientists and communities, including historically marginalized communities, so that they can work together to design and lead science that addresses community priorities. He is interested in how the sciences can be more engaging, how inclusivity contributes to scientific innovation and societal relevance, and how the sciences can be allies in advancing equity in society.

Dr. Marc Kuchner, NASA's Citizen Science Officer, shares highlights from the past year in NASA citizen science

June 24

CitSci2020: COVID and Other Crises: Strategies for Rapid Response Citizen Science